"Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
- Frank Outlaw
A few years ago, I became acquainted with a man whom I believed could be instrumental in helping me with my business at that time. He seemed to be just the right connection and I was eager to win his approval. More accomplished than me, more successful than me, I believed I would have to work extra hard to earn his respect. He was the Donald Trump of my world.
Serendipitously, I finally had to chance to meet with him face-to-face not long after that first introduction. I was excited and couldn't stop pinching myself over that lucky opportunity. I thought with careful detail about all of the right things I would say to prove my worth and impress this most accomplished man.
Yet, when we met, things didn't go quite as I had planned.
Believing this man to be better than me, every sentance out of my mouth was punctuated by a weak-voiced, "um... I think." And, I began to notice that he responed in-kind with an immediate discredit of my carefully thought-out ideas. Quickly back-peddling, I found myself qualifying my statements as a way to deperately defend myself. Yet, all that happened is that he became more confident in his own ideas, and I began to feel like a deflated balloon.
By the end of the meeting, it was clear that he held little respect for me. And, in the process I had grown to dislike him.
Feeling frustrated and a little bit confused about what had happened, I headed out to the Columbia River.
Driving has a way of clearing my mind and freeing my emotions and as soon as possible, I diverted my way to old Highway 30, the scenic route along a series of waterfalls. "Wow", I thought to myself as I reached the first one. I paused for a few minutes to admire its beauty and then continued on. Each waterfall seemed to be more impressive than the last one and each time, I held my breath in amazement as I watched and listened to the water crashing off of the mountain.
Although it was getting dark and time to turn around, I decided to see just one more.
As I came around the bend to the last waterfall, I was suddenly struck by the power demonstrated in this waterfall. I pulled my car over and turned off the engine to listen to the waterfall and think.
Realizing that the waterfall actually began as one tiny molecule of water at the top of the mountain, I could imagine how that one tiny molecule of water joined with another tiny molecule, soon forming a single drop of water. And, that single drop of water collected with other single drops of water, eventually forming a small stream. And, that small stream gained momentum and strength as it rushed down the side of the mountain.
The result was a powerful waterfall.
I quickly saw how my beliefs were no different than that first tiny molecule of water. My one microscopic belief that this man was somehow better than me had grown into a larger drop of an idea that I needed to work hard to impress him. This idea showed itself in the way that I related to him and how I expressed my ideas.
No wonder the dynamic between us went crashing downhill.
Not long after that trip to the river, I had the opportunity to experiment with my molecule-belief theory. Attending a function where that man I had sought to impress was the guest speaker, I decided to change my beliefs about him. Not listening to his words, I focused instead on what I could genuinely appreciate about him. Like a molecule of water, I allowed that belief to grow in my heart and mind, and by the end of his presentation, I felt a genuine sense of gratitude towards him. My feelings of inferiority and my pressing need to impress him had completely dissipated.
More importantly, I was reminded that power isn't in a person, a name or a title, but in the beliefs we hold in our mind. And, each microscopic-sized belief has the power to dramatically impact our destiny.
© 2010 Lisa Ann Edwards
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
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افضل شركة تنظيف بيارات بالرياض http://gg.gg/dzppn مهما كانت مشكلة بياراتك فلا تقلق من الآن فلدينا كال الحلول لتنظيف البيارات ونغطي كافة المناطق شمال وشرق وغرب وجنوب الرياض
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افضل أما الخدمة التي سنتحدث عنها الآن هي من أهم الخدمات التي تتشرف شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض http://gg.gg/dzppr بتقديمها لعملائها ,وهي تنظيف مجالس سواء في المنازل أو الشقق أو الفلل او القصور
لأننا جميعاً نعرف أهمية اجتماعات العائلة في هذه المجالس التي تميز نا عن غيرنا من البلاد والدول ,فلابد أن تكون هذه المنازل على قدر عالي من النظافة والجمال والذي لابد وأن يتناسب مع أهمية المدعوين لهذه المجالس ,حتى يستمتع عملائنا باجتماعاتهم العائلية في جو نظيف وهادئ ومريح يليق بهم… اقرأ المزيد
المصدر: شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض
شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض http://gg.gg/dzpr4 عند تجمع الأتربة على أقمشة الكنب أو اتساخها بالبقع التي يصعب إزالتها فإن ذلك يبعث على النفس نوعا من الانزعاج ,و عدم الراحة خاصة مع هبوب العواصف الرملية و تجمع الأتربة الأمر الذي يزيد المشكلة تفاقما ويزيد النتائج سوء .
من أهم الخدمات التي تقدمها هي تنظيف السجاد والذي هو من أهم القطع التي يحتوي عليها أي منزل ,وهي ما تقوم بإظهار جمال كل قطع الأثاث في المنزل.
وفي حالة ما كان هذا السجاد مستخ أو به أي بقع أو شوائب سيفسد كافة المنظر حتى إذا كان المنزل بأكمله نظيف.
فتقوم شركتنا بتنظيف السجاد باستخدام مجموعة من المساحيق والأدوات العالية الجودة للحفاظ على هذا السجاد من التلف وإعادته نظيفاً وجديداً مره أخرى
تتخصص في تنظيف الكنب مع جميع أنواع أقمشته تنظيفا تاما وأرجعاها جديدة كأول مرة قد اشتريته مع الحفاظ على كافة أنواع المنسوجات التي تتخلل الكنبة و ما تحتويه من ألوان و رسومات كل ذلك تقدمه الشركة وبأسعار في متناول يد العميل بإذن الله .
يمكنك الاعتماد علينا في إتمام عملية التنظيف و على أعلى مستوى ان شاء الله لما تتمتع به الشركة من خبرة طويلة ورضاء لكل عملائها الكرام … اقرأ المزيد
المصدر: شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض جميع الاحياء