Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Would you be willing to help?!

I am nearing the end of my research for my next book and would like to invite you to be a part it! We just need a few more participants for the research. Do any of the statements below fit you?

· Are you energized by your job?
· Do you believe you could be more effective?
· Are you struggling to succeed in your work environment?
· Do you have a track record of producing results?

If you agree with any of these statements, your input would be a wonderful addition to my research for my next book. The book is a practical guide for people who would like to improve their performance and become more personally effective at work. To gain new insights and support the concepts presented in the book, I am conducting a field study by interviewing people across many organizations and I would love to capture your thoughts!

For more information on what is involved, or to sign up to be a part of the study please click here or contact me directly at Lisa@ManagingTalentRetention.com I look forward to hearing from you!
